Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mid-February 2011 Update on In Progress Baby Blankets

Below is our update on "in progress" worsted weight blankets:

Circus Circus II (circus colors: yellow, red, gray, blue, black)
gmmarton (done)
beepr (done)
farmwife'n'mama - done
hamham - done
colbysmimi - working
ramblinroo (border patrol too)

Rhythm & Blues (shades of blue)
hamham - done
beepr - done
spikey - done
gmmarton - ready
sugarmagknowya (border patrol too)

Garter Garden (purples, greens, whites, pinks, yellows, blues)
gmmarton - done
vertigo 1414 - done
beepr - done
hamham - done
sugarmagknowya - done
justbeth (border patrol too) - working

Surf and Sand (blues, taupe, white)
gmmarton - done
justbeth - done
motherhenknits - done
colbysmimi - done
tuxedocat - done
spikey (border patrol too) - working

Kermit's Lily Pad (shades of green)
beepr - done
motherhenknits - done
heathenwytch - done
justbeth - ready
sugarmagknowya (border patrol only)

Neon Fun III (bright colors)
gmmarton - done
cherr1979 - done
ramblinroo - done
justbeth - done
innature - done
hamham (border patrol too) - ready

Candy Cane (red & white)
cherr1979 - done
msbookie - done
knead2knit - done
ramblinroo - working
llittlemissa (border patrol too)

Mocha (brown, cream & white)
cherr1979 - done
msbookie - done
ramblinroo - ready
hamham (border patrol too)

Yipes Stripes (garter stitch, 2 colors with change every other row)
ramblinroo - done
gmmarton - done
beepr - done
innature - done
wooljane - done
msbookie (border patrol too)
- working

Marshmallow II (shades of white)
gmmarton - done
beepr - done
msbookie - done
hamham - ready
knead2knit (border patrol too)

Northeast Rainbow II ( garter stitch in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)
gmmarton (red) - done
kellee0302 (orange) - done
beepr (yellow) - done
ramblinroo (green) - done
innature (blue) - done
msbookie (purple) (border patrol too) - ready

Sweet Sunshine (shades of yellow)
gmmarton - done
sugarmagknowya - done
msbookie - done
innature - done
wooljane - ready
llittlemissa (border patrol too)

An Apple A Day (red, yellow & green)
sugarmagknowya - done
gmmarton - done
kellee0302 - done
msbookie - done
llittlemissa - ready
hamham (border patrol too)

Precious Gems (jewel tones: ruby, emerald, sapphire, etc)
llittlemissa - done
gmmarton - done
ramblinroo - working

4th spot open
5th spot open
msbookie (border patrol too)

Gum Drops (green, yellow, purple, black, orange & red)
gmmarton - done
msbookie - working
5th spot open
kellee0302 (border patrol too)

Patchwork Quilt (random colors)
msbookie - done
motherhenknits - working
border patrol open

Jack Frost II (shades of gray & white)
gmmarton - done
msbookie - done
kellee0302 - ready
4th spot open
5th spot open
6th spot open
border patrol open

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